Hueblog: Play Gradient Lightstrip without Sync Box: Now possible with iConnectHue

Play Gradient Lightstrip without Sync Box: Now possible with iConnectHue

Discotainment function provides colourful light

With the launch of the new Philips Hue Play Gradient Lightstrip, the manufacturer has already announced its intention to enable colour control of the seven zones of the lightstrip via the Hue app with a future software update. Until the Gradient Lightstrip works without the Philips Hue Play HDMI Sync Box, a little patience is still needed.

Unless you use iConnectHue. The versatile iOS application, which is highly recommended for configuring the Hue system, supports the Gradient Lightstrip with the now released version 4.3 in discotainment mode.

‎iConnectHue für Philips Hue
‎iConnectHue für Philips Hue
Developer: Stefan Gohler
Price: 3,99 €+

All you need to do is create an entertainment area in the Hue app and then use the discotainment function and the iPhone or iPad microphone to light up the Gradient Lightstrip to match the beat of the music playing in the room. This works in iConnectHue even without the otherwise necessary HDMI Sync Box.

But it goes one step further: iConnectHue now also allows you to set the entertainment lights to retain their current colours after the sync ends. In this way, the Gradient Lightstrip can already be made to glow in several colours. How exactly this works, I will show you in the following german-speaking video.

iConnectHue currently costs 5.49 euros, with an additional 3.49 euros for the Discotainment function. Certainly not quite cheap, but iConnectHue in particular is worth the price.

It will probably take some time until the Gradient Lightstrip can shine in different colours even without the discotainment workaround. The developer of iConnectHue would love to make simple control possible right now, but Philips Hue must first create the necessary possibilities in the system.

Philips Hue Play Gradient Lightstrip TV

from $249.99 / £169.99 / 199,99€

Experience the thrill of the theater at home with the Philips Hue Play gradient lightstrip. Get multiple colors of light that react to the content on your screen. Attach to wall-mounted or standing TVs with the included mounts.

Note: This article contains affiliate links. We receive a commission for purchases via these links, which we use to finance this blog. The purchase price remains unchanged for you.

Check your local Philips Hue Online Store for availability of Hue products in your country. There you will also find all the technical information and prices.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 3 replies

  1. Hey
    do you know if we can just enable the dynamic scene without the hue sync box on these play grad. ligthstrip?
    i have the ambiance gradiant so i guess yes; but would like to be sure before buying for the TV.
    in the future, i might add the sync box with both.

    Thanks & have a nice day

  2. I just purchased Hue Play Gradient- however it’s just a solid color.
    I’ve tried to update my app and software to no avail.
    It was my understanding the gradient colors were available now.

    Please confirm if this is a potential user error, faulty product or it’s just not available yet?

    Lastly, I have not purchased the hue sync box yet.

    Thank you,

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