Hueblog: Giveaway: 10 Friends of Hue switches from Senic and Gira

Giveaway: 10 Friends of Hue switches from Senic and Gira

Total value of 690 Euro

The Friends of Hue switches from Senic have been available for about a year now. In my opinion, the switches produced in cooperation with Gira are still the most exciting alternative – even if the technology inside is of course identical to other models.

Why? In my opinion, Senic provides the best experience for the end user. The Friends of Hue switches are beautifully packaged and available in four different colours. Senic also supplies a single rocker, which may even be the better solution in some situations.

The task of the Senic switch is quickly explained: with its classic design, it is intended to replace a conventional light switch on the wall in order to better control the smart lights from Philips hue. Up to twelve actions can be triggered with the four buttons, so you always have your Hue system under full control.

How to win a Friends of Hue switch from Senic

Together with Senic we offer you today the chance to win one of ten Friends of Hue Smart Switches in a colour of your choice. If you want to win a switch worth 69 euros, all you have to do is complete the following task: Send us a picture of your classic light switch, which you want to replace with a Friends of Hue Switch from Senic. You can also send us a short explanation why you want to replace the switch in your mail to

All e-mails that reach us by 23:59 on July 31, 2020 will automatically be entered into the draw. Only one entry per person is allowed and legal action is excluded. Please note that we will also forward your first name, your submitted picture and your description for social media activities to Senic. Personal data, such as your last name or your e-mail address, will of course be treated confidentially. The winners will be announced at the beginning of August and will be contacted by us.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 2 replies

  1. I know I’m late but perhaps still have any of those switches available ? 😀
    Just got in the hue game and am looking to get my hands on one of those Senic Gira switches.

    best regards, stay safe and a happy new year already 🙂 !

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