After the Philips Hue Wall Switch Module launched three weeks ago, the app scene got moving for the first time last week: Hue Essentials delivered initial support for the new accessory. However, I quickly had to find out: The whole implementation is not yet really suitable for practical use.
I am all the more curious to see how things stand with the most popular app for iPhone and iPad. As the developer of iConnectHue confirmed, an update is already in the works. At the moment, they are probably in the final stages of internal development. However, I can’t tell you how long it will take until the release in the App Store.
But it can be assumed that the whole story will be fully developed right from the start. Personally, I have two wishes in particular, and I hope that they can be realised:
- Faster switching of scenes: Instead of having to switch on-off-on to activate the second scene, I would prefer two switching operations to activate the second scene. This would also make it possible to reach the third scene more quickly.
- Night mode: It would also be great to have an alternative scene selection at night. Then you could first activate a night light and then a brighter scene.
Whether these wishes will be realised with the upcoming update of iConnectHue, I can’t say, of course. But I will definitely take a closer look and report back.
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