Hueblog: Which potential Hue product do you want most?

Which potential Hue product do you want most?

From small filament bulbs to dimmable sockets

Today it’s time again for a little poll. I would like to know which Philips Hue product you would like to see the most. After all, there are a few things that are not yet available – and some of them are not from third-party suppliers either. I am therefore curious to know what your favourites are.

At the top of my wish list, for example, are new filament lamps. Here, I’m thinking first of all of White Ambiance variants, with which you can adjust the colour temperature a little more precisely to your own wishes. There is already something like this from some other manufacturers. Small filament lamps with an E14 base should be just as popular and make a really good impression, especially in chandeliers.

I can also imagine two things around the front of the socket. By winter at the latest, Philips Hue should definitely offer a Smart Plug for outdoor use with an appropriate protection class. And a smart plug with a dimming function should probably also find its supporters.

Will there be more Gradient products soon?

Another thing that is buzzing around in my head: more Gradient lighting products. Although we still have to wait a bit until the Gradient Light Strip can display multiple colours without the Sync Box. As soon as this foundation has been laid with the app update, I see no reason why other light sources should not be adapted accordingly. I could very well imagine the Hue Signe as a gradient model, for example.

As an alternative to the motion sensor, Philips Hue could launch a door and window contact. Of course, this would not turn Philips Hue into a fully-fledged smart home system, but I can still think of a few uses in which such a sensor could switch certain lamps.

And then there is the more powerful bridge that we all dream of. Philips Hue has already emphasised here several times that it has no intentions in this regard. But maybe you can think of a few other things that Philips Hue should bring to the market – just let it rip in the comments.

What products should there be from Philips Hue?

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Check your local Philips Hue Online Store for availability of Hue products in your country. There you will also find all the technical information and prices.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 10 replies

  1. I’d love to see a White and Color variant of the E14 Luster / Lustre.. as they do it in the candle variety, I see no reason why this shouldn’t be achievable..?

  2. I would like to see many of these, but most off all, a proper light switch replacement.

    It can still be wireless, requiring you to make the circuit permanently live, I just don’t want a removable remote that the kids will take off and lose, and something with more functionality than a traditional switch + hue module will provide.

  3. I would like higher output recessed lights for the UK. The Garnea 10.5W, whilst 230V, is not available here, nor the 5/6inch recessed downlights. I can’t get rid of my 800 lumen kitchen spots yet with a suitable hue replacement

  4. If they don’t want to developp an improved bridge, that’s OK at the condition they authorize several bridges on a single account. Any plan for that?

  5. – White Ambiance version of the E27 1600 lm bulb
    – Other than weak GU10 based downlights
    – Bulbs in GX53 form factor
    – COB CCT type led strip
    – And obviously more powerful bridge, if adding more devices per bridge is difficult, give us at least a model with more memory/ beefier cpu, so more rules/settings would be possible
    – invidual sunrise/sunset based timers with customisable offsets

  6. An outdoor range extender. I’d like to position my outdoor motion sensor further away from my last bulb.

  7. It would be great if existing hue products such as Philips Hue Liane wall light, Nyro Outdoor wall & pedestal lights, Centris ceiling light, etc., are available in North America.

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