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Friends of Hue switch: A single rocker offers these possibilities Available for 69 euros

Available for 69 euros

A few weeks ago, Senic and Gira launched their Friends of Hue switch in one colour: pure white glossy, an alternative to the matt models available. This week, a variant in anthracite has been added. All four switches have one thing in common: they are not only supplied with a double rocker, but also with a single rocker – no other manufacturer offers this.

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Philips Hue Lily XL reviewed: Bright outdoor spot Direct comparison with GU10 spot and small Hue Lily

Direct comparison with GU10 spot and small Hue Lily

Announced at the beginning of January and also available in stores since last week: the outdoor spot Philips Hue Lily XL. In cooperation with the official Hue dealer, I can present the new outdoor lamp to you in detail today – including a 15-minute video in which I compare the new Hue Lily XL with the small Hue Lily and a Hue GU10 spot.

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Rhodesy sells light switch adapters for the Hue Smart Button Available now

Available now

Some time ago, I already introduced the Samotech SM216, a light switch adapter for the Philips Hue Smart Button. Unfortunately, the small carrier was only available for a short time in Germany, ordering it via the manufacturer’s UK website involves high shipping costs. Now there is an alternative from Rhodesy.

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iConnectHue 4.1 released: These are the new features Exclusive long button press, light migration wizard and more

Exclusive long button press, light migration wizard and more

The application iConnectHue (App Store link) for iPhone and iPad, which is now partly subscription-based, has received its first functional update after the major upgrade a few months ago. It comes with the exclusive long print, which I already presented to you a few weeks ago. What else there is to discover?

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Dimmer switch, Smart Button or Friends of Hue: Which switch is the right one? Three models in comparison

Three models in comparison

With the Hue Tap, the very first switch for Philips Hue is now obsolete. Although the round switch with the four buttons is still sold, it is technically outdated. It has been replaced by the Friends of Hue switches which are equipped with improved technology and can be better integrated into existing switch ranges.

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Philips Hue: January update has half closed security flaw Check your bridge firmware

Check your bridge firmware

So is this good news or bad news? Check Point’s security experts have discovered a vulnerability in the Hue system that allows you to access even computers that are shared on the network with the Hue Bridge. The vulnerability has now been resolved by Signify – at least partly. Signify, the manufacturer of Philips Hue, was already informed about the gap in the system in November 2019.

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Innr GU10 Spot: An alternative to the original Hue bulb? Larger and problems with colours

Larger and problems with colours

Last fall, Philips Hue launched a much improved version of its colored GU10 spot – which is currently affected by problems. Many users report beeping lamps when switched off, i.e. at 0 percent brightness. The good news first: this problem does not occur with the Innr color spots released in October 2019.

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Paulmann LED Panel Amaris reviewed: Ceiling lamp with colour option More possibilities than the competitor

More possibilities than the competitor

Fabian has mounted the LED panel Philips Hue Aurelle in his kitchen – you can find his test report here. Today, I would like to introduce a competing product to you, namely the LED panel Amaris by Paulmann. The biggest difference: the Paulmann model offers different white tones as well as colours.

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Turn on Hue lamps at sunset and turn them off at a specific time A very simple process

A very simple process

In this little blog entry we take care of a question that is asked several times a week. Experienced Hue readers will of course already know how to do it but everyone was a newbie at some point. Today, I would like to explain to you how to switch on Hue lamps at sunset and switch them off again later at a certain time.

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