Hueblog: Exclusive: iConnectHue gets feature-rich widgets

Exclusive: iConnectHue gets feature-rich widgets

For the homescreen of iPhone and iPad

Just a few weeks ago, Philips Hue integrated a long-awaited function into its iOS app: Widgets for the homescreen. This allows scenes to be activated and rooms to be switched on or off without opening the Philips Hue app. Widgets will soon also be available in another very popular app: iConnectHue (App Store link) for iPhone and iPad.

I’ve already been able to take a look at a preview of the new version. However, it is not yet clear when exactly everything will be ready. It is also possible that functions will be added or removed. Nevertheless, together with developer Stefan Göhler, I would like to give you a preview of what is coming soon.

How to create widgets in iConnectHue

In contrast to Philips Hue, where the widgets can be customised directly on the homescreen, in iConnectHue you set everything in the app itself. You can manage the widgets there using the familiar editor, and there is even a sync function via the iCloud.

In terms of functions, iConnectHue will offer much more with its widgets than the manufacturer itself. You can not only activate scenes, but also use a combined on/off switch. What I find particularly exciting is that timers can also be activated directly via the widget. Really handy if you want the light to switch off slowly when you go to bed. You can also change colours and brightness or access data from sensors.

The thing with the status

While Philips Hue only has separate switches for switching rooms on and off, iConnectHue will offer a combined switch. This is where the limitations of the system come into play; it may well take a few minutes for the status of the widget to update. Nevertheless, a switch in the widget will always switch the light on and off correctly, even if the status has not yet been updated. Incidentally, this happens immediately when you briefly open the app.

I am certainly looking forward to the update, as many of the functions already look very exciting. The developer has also told me that there may well be one or two surprises in store…

‎iConnectHue für Philips Hue
‎iConnectHue für Philips Hue
Developer: Stefan Gohler
Price: 3,99 €+
In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 1 reply

  1. Curious when the update is coming. Already about 6 weeks ago this article and still no update on iconnect hue.

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