Hueblog: Hue Essentials now offers support for Gradient products

Hue Essentials now offers support for Gradient products

New setting is well hidden

Personally, I still don’t really like the look of Hue Essentials (Apple/Android), but that is ultimately a matter of personal taste. What is clear is that the app offers numerous functions that are not available in the Hue app.

With the update to version 1.17.0, however, a function is now added that was originally introduced with the Hue app: You can colour gradient products with colour gradients.

“Set multiple colours on Hue gradient lights with the colour picker. Compatible with the Hue Play Gradient Lightstrip, Hue Gradient Lightstrip, and Hue Gradient Signe,” explains the development team.

After a first look into the app, I actually couldn’t find the new function myself. In the end, however, a small video sent to me by the app’s creators helped me. It’s best if you see for yourselves:

“You can set (up to five) multiple colours on the gradient devices by using the third tab on the colour picker screen. On the third tab, first select a colour, then touch the colour bar above to set the colour for a segment”, explains Thomas, one of the developers.

In my opinion, the solution is not really intuitive, but once you have understood the principle, it works without any problems – and then even offers more options than the Hue app, in which you can only set three colours.

‎Hue Essentials
‎Hue Essentials
Developer: Thomas Vos
Price: Free+

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

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