Hueblog: Community question of the week: Lightstrip on the power supply unit of the Lightbar?

Community question of the week: Lightstrip on the power supply unit of the Lightbar?

We urgently need better accessories

I have to talk to you again. The reason is a question from the community section on Tommi has contacted me with the following request:

I want to connect two Hue Lightstrip Plus to one power supply, because I only have one socket available and want to save a multiple socket for space reasons. I had the idea to exchange the power supply of the Hue Play Lightbar with three connections with that of the Lightstrips. Is that possible?

In principle it is possible. Almost all Hue devices use the same plug. In addition to the Lightstrips and the Lightbar, these include the Sync Box, the Gradient Lightstrips, the Iris and the Gradient Signe table lamp. However, only the use of several Lightbars and the Sync Box on one power supply unit is intended.

Particularly with the Lightstrip Plus, caution is advised. Philips Hue specifies a maximum power of around 20 watts here, which can be consumed with particularly bright white light settings. The triple power supply of the Lightbars is designed for up to 21 watts. So it is too tight.

A few weeks ago, I introduced you to a third-party power supply that even offers four plugs and is even more compact, but also only provides 24 watts. At least a little more comfort, if you ask me.

Maybe Philips Hue doesn’t want to sell more products?

But there’s one thing I don’t understand: Why doesn’t Philips Hue offer “Pro power supplies” as separate accessories. With three, four or five connections and a decent wattage of 50 or 60 watts? Technically, this is certainly not a problem, especially with the GaN technology used for smartphone chargers, the power supply units are not too big. In addition, the power supply units currently used by Philips Hue are incredibly large, especially if they only have one connection. You can hardly put them next to each other in a power strip.

One could almost think that Philips Hue has no interest in customers buying more products. And here we are not even talking about the limit of 63 lamps on one bridge, but maybe three, four or five Hue products that you want to operate on a single socket…

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 1 reply

  1. Excuse my English, it’s translated…
    Well, I had that doubt before, in a video I saw a person connected the Sync Box with a Lightstrip Plus and according to him he constantly suffered blackouts from the Sync Box… At least I have a triple plug with a Play Bar and a Lightstrip Plus ago More than a year and I have not had problems with low lighting or anything. Of course, on the box of the Lightstrip Plus it says that it is 20 Watts, but I feel that this data is because Hue gives the option to extend it to 10 meters without adding more energy, so I assumed that those 20 watts is with the strip extended to 10 meters, and I only use the original 2 meters, so I don’t think it’s bad… Today I got a Lighstrip Gradient that I bought for the ambilight under the TV and I did the same, I connected it to a triple socket with a Bar and so far so good…

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