Hueblog: Hue motion sensor now with 10 time slots and natural light

Hue motion sensor now with 10 time slots and natural light

Update is being rolled out

Even before the new releases for autumn are announced at the end of the month, Philips Hue has fulfilled the promises from the summer. Back in June, they had announced that motion sensors would retain more options. This update is now apparently being rolled out. Several people have already been able to confirm to me that the new functions are unlocked for them. So a look at the Hue app could be worthwhile for you, too.

In the best case, you will see a small blue dot next to the settings at the bottom of the navigation. This little hint will lead you to the accessories and then to your motion sensor. There, Philips Hue has the following notice for you:

“You’ll now have up to 10 time slots, access to the Natural light scene and more. The new time slots below are set to default. Edit them, add new ones or tap here to see your current settings. “

If your motion sensor, whether the white model for indoors or the black model for outdoors, does not yet offer this new option, it is probably just a matter of a little patience.

At the same time, a little caution is advised, the new settings are probably not yet compatible with the already existing Hue Labs functions such as “Do not disturb my scene”.

Philips Hue Motion Sensor

$44.99 / £39.99 / €44,99

Trigger your smart lights with movement. The battery-powered Hue motion sensor can be easily installed anywhere in your home.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 10 replies

  1. Do Nothing action has been changed, in the old setup it was possible to just turn off the light without triggering any actions ,as example: triggering the light by wall switch , if no movements has been detected , the sensor turn off the light in a pre setup time as example 10 minutes . This energy feature just vanished…

  2. I noticed that setting Natural Lights to sensors doesn’t consume Hue bridge rules. This is a pleasant surprise.

    Previously I had an issue with Hue Essentials app that my complex daylight rules filled the whole bridge, as I have 20 sensors and switches, 51 lights, and 6 plugs. Looks like I don’t have this issue anymore with the natural lights. Well done, Philips!

  3. I’m very disappointed. It seems like that when you turn off your lights manually, the motion sensor turns it on again. Even with enough light

    1. I do agree I got this issue as well.

      This change destroyed my house funtionaity.
      As before “Do Nothing” setting was able to turn off the light after set time, as example 5 min, this is not working anymore ! and this funtionality was working while the light has not been triggered by the room motion sensor.

      “Previously setting” is working strange way as is triggering light to ON while the light has been switch OFF. This function should keep the setting as before and not triggering anything alls.

  4. That’s a great improvement for me. No need to use Hue Labs for the sensors anymore. (I was not using the “do not disturb” formula).
    One thing thoug, when “customizing” natural light, you can only pick basic scenes and not complex scnes from hue gallery (golden pond, frosty down…) it seems.

    Next step: Be able to set natural light from the dimmer and smart button.

  5. Not only reset most of the settings on all my sensors, but now plagued with issues of not turning lights on and/or off to the correct setting. Royal mess up on this update! Very annoyed!

  6. Also lost the dimmer functionality aka motion trigger on for 2 min 100% then dim to 40% for 2min then off

  7. My 8 sensors are now fucked up! Turning lights on in daylight, not turning off again as they should, …
    I hate companies who change functionality, without leaving it up to the customer to activate and maybe use it!
    Instead of just claiming ‘your things just got smarter’, tell me: ‘we made some new options, you may want to put to use’.

  8. I agree with Frustrated and Grumpy. My sensors are all fucked up. There’s no instructions on how to set the times that you. want your motion sensors to turn your lights on and off. My lights turn on in the daytime, don’t turn on as they should at night when they detect motion. I can’t program them the way I used too. I called Phillips three times today and none of their dumb ass technicians knew how to fix this shit. This is very very frustrating and I’m very pissed off that I have to spend my time going over this shit, that was already working perfectly. Phillips, you fucked up royally and you need to fix it now.

  9. Daylight sensitivity still broken… Lights turn on even if sensitivity is set and shows lights will not activate at current light levels!

    You can reset and save the settings but it only appears to last 1 day before the settings are somehow cleared.

    Surely this has been picked up by support now??

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