Hueblog: Philips Hue app no longer compatible with older Android smartphones

Philips Hue app no longer compatible with older Android smartphones

Newer operating system required

In social networks and also in comments here on the blog, I have stumbled across an issue again and again in recent months: Android smartphone users report that they can no longer find the Philips Hue app in the Google Play Store. Today I would like to explain to you what is causing this problem.

To be more precise, we have to look back to November 2022 for this. That’s when Signify, the maker of Philips Hue, released the Philips Hue app version 4.31.1 on the Google Play Store. Since then, the minimum requirement for the Hue app has been Android 10.

Unfortunately, I’m not at home in the Android world and can’t tell you exactly which smartphone models are affected. With Android, this also varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. For Samsung, for example, the Galaxy S8 is the “newest” smartphone, which is finished with Android 9. It has now been on sale for six years.

So if you have a smartphone with Android 9 or older and there is no software update for the operating system, there is only one option for the Hue app: a new smartphone. By the way, the minimum required Android 10 was released in September 2019 and is already a few years old.

Unknown app
Unknown app
Price: Free

Note: This article contains affiliate links. We receive a commission for purchases via these links, which we use to finance this blog. The purchase price remains unchanged for you.

Check your local Philips Hue Online Store for availability of Hue products in your country. There you will also find all the technical information and prices.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 11 replies

  1. I am BLOODY FURIOUS that is no longer compatible with my phone. Why the hell have Philips Hue done this???

    1. same for me!! Unforgiveable!!!

      It is the same as when your electric car comes to a halt next to the highway in 5 years’ time and you later find out that you should have bought another, newer keycard because the software on the old keycard could no longer be updated.

  2. Hi, I have the same issue. I found that there are websites that still offer the older versions of the Hue app (eg Aptoide) running on Android 8 (I have a Samsung Galaxy Edge S7 that runs perfectly on Android 8!). So I managed to re install the app. But I still have an issue: when I’m not on my own WiFi network, I can’t run the app, I can’t set the app to run outside my home anymore. Anyone has a solution to this problem?

  3. It is cheaper to buy all new alexa enabled devices than to upgrade my working phone in order to use this over priced hue garbage.
    Buyer beware!!!!

  4. Philips sucks!! I have suffered an immediate Philips Appneu stroke, due to compatibility issues with remote control in the HUE app, I decided to uninstall the old app, resulting in no longer being able to control my lights with my phone at all! The app can no longer be installed on phones with Android 9, which is the max for my Galaxy S8+ phone. Unforgiveable action of Philips. Philips HUE never again!

  5. Dear Philips, I have spent more than 1500 Euro on Philips Hue lamps, sensors, and equipment. Not even a single warning via the app to let me know that my whole lighting eco system would could not be controlled via my app anymore. Aside from making my lighting automation completely useless, why should I let Philips dictate when I should upgrade my mobile phone. Backwards compatibility? Run 2 versions of the app? Why should I invest another Euro in this system? Appalling, atrocious, ill conceived, and devoid of any concept of customer service….thanks Philips, you managed to beat Ryanair in terms of worst customer experience.

  6. My Philips Hue stopped working today on my Galaxy S7 with Android 8.0.

    I am as surprised as others that there was no information whatsoever about this step. If Philips can pass on to me adds they surely could have kept it’s clients informed on such a drastic change.

    However, it would seem management thought it not worthwhile providing such fundamental service. We’re leaving our country for a month the day after tomorrow so this is really inconvinient to say the least.

    After after poking around on the web I realized that I can use Hue Essentials so – in spite of running the risk that Philips now will put a stop to also that – this is what will do for now. Details are here:

  7. This is the most customer unfriendly company I have ever experienced. Suddenly I can not control all lamps with Samsung. Fortunaty my wife with IOS can but for how long?
    Philips sucks like like expected. Already in the 80’s it produced crap products and could not compete with good performing competitors. Stay away from it is my advice

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