Hueblog: Community question of the week: The matter of 12 volts and 230 volts

Community question of the week: The matter of 12 volts and 230 volts

Sometimes you shouldn't think too complicated

It’s time again for the Community Question of the Week. Today’s question is not particularly complicated and the answer is not necessarily spectacular, but sometimes it’s the simple things that get you stuck. Manuel, for example, asked a question that has certainly crossed the minds of one or two Hue users.

I have a question about the base lights for outdoor use. I have laid an underground cable along the sidewalk, to which normal base lights are connected. Since the Hue base lights work via low voltage, I would have to somehow accommodate the transformer in the housing and connect the Schuko plug directly.

The idea is not bad at first, but completely unnecessary. In addition, I doubt not only that the transformer fits into the housing of the Calla base lamp, it is also costwise not really a good choice.

One thing is clear: You can lose the overview over Philips Hue’s outdoor portfolio. Because in fact, in addition to the outdoor products for the low-voltage system, there are also Hue lamps that can be connected directly to a 230-volt power source. And if such an installation is already available, as in Manuel’s case, there is nothing to stop you from using it.

Unfortunately, Philips Hue only offers a filter for the 12-volt products in its online store, but not the other way around. Suitable base lamps with 230 volt connection would be, for example, the Hue Lucca or the Hue Impress – the latter is available for both 12 volts and 230 volts.

However, there may be a cheaper and simpler option for Manuel: depending on the installed base luminaire, you could even use a single Hue bulb directly. In splash-proof luminaires, the use of Hue products is also no problem in the outdoor area.

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Check your local Philips Hue Online Store for availability of Hue products in your country. There you will also find all the technical information and prices.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

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