Hueblog: Gradient Lightstrip will be able to display multiple colors thanks to dynamic scenes

Gradient Lightstrip will be able to display multiple colors thanks to dynamic scenes

More products with Gradient technology in autumn

Along with the Wall Switch Module, the Philips Hue Play Gradient Lightstrip is one of the most exciting new products in the Hue world to make it to market in recent years. Already in the coming weeks, the light strip will receive new, exciting features.

So far, in order to make the seven zones of the light strip glow in different colors, the use of the Hue Sync Box or at least a sync software is necessary. That will change later this summer when Philips Hue rolls out the already announced update with dynamic scenes for the new Hue app.

“Together with these dynamic scenes, the Gradient Lightstrip will be able to display multiple colors simultaneously,” Hue inventor George Yianni promised me in a conversation. Of particular interest is the technology that Philips Hue will rely on – and not just in conjunction with the Gradient Lightstrip.

Unlike Hue Labs and other applications that already offer animation, Philips Hue will significantly improve the technology. “We will solve the problem like no one else can,” promises George Yianni. “The effects will play directly on the bulbs, so the dynamic scenes will run independently of the rest of the network.” With previously available animations, commands were sent continuously from the Hue Bridge to the lamps, which could cause delays in the rest of the system.

New Gradient products to be released this fall

With dynamic scenes, Philips Hue will set the stage for more Gradient products. As I have been able to learn from my sources, there should be new releases equipped with this technology as early as this fall.

Asked about this particular topic, George Yianni is still professionally cautious, responding, “We’re excited about how Gradient technology can improve the lighting of rooms.” At the same time, the Hue inventor thinks there are many products that would benefit from Gradient technology. “The easiest would certainly be with linear products – and we have a few of those.”

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Check your local Philips Hue Online Store for availability of Hue products in your country. There you will also find all the technical information and prices.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 2 replies

  1. Thanks for this update.

    I have been considering buying Hue Signe linear LED lamps for quite some time, but I have been waiting for Gradient versions to become available. Hopefully this news means that my wait is nearly over.

    1. I think the Signe would be a perfect product for a Gradient-Upgrade. Let’s wait and see what happens 🙂

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