Hueblog: Hue Solo Lightstrip: Affordable light strip is ready for launch

Hue Solo Lightstrip: Affordable light strip is ready for launch

5 metres for under 100 euros

Philips Hue is apparently about to launch a new light strip. A major American retailer had already briefly listed a Hue Solo Lightstrip with a length of 5 metres. The price is particularly interesting: 89.99 US dollars are listed there. Including taxes, this corresponds to a price of around 100 euros for the German market.

And that is quite an interesting price, because the basic set of the Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus with a length of 2 metres already costs 89.99 euros. An additional 24.99 euros is added for each 1 metre extension. This is well above the price of the Hue Solo Lightstrip.

What is noticeable when looking at the product images already available: The Hue Solo Lightstrip has a closed end with a small cap, so it does not appear to be able to be extended. However, it can be shortened, as indicated in the product description.

Other differences to the Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus are also recognisable: the cable is firmly connected to the slightly more compact power supply unit. The light strip itself also appears to be slightly slimmer. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you whether this is noticeable in the maximum brightness – there is no information on this yet. It is also unclear whether the low-cost Lightstrip will be available in other lengths. However, White and Color Ambiance technology for different shades of white and colours is definitely included.

Philips Hue Solo Lightstrip

Other upcoming launches from Philips Hue

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

Comments 4 replies

  1. Nice to see al the new products!

    I am wondering ( since i want to buy a Gradient Lightstrip for my TV) if the Gradient Lightstrips also get renewed.
    In the Netherlands its almost everywhere soldout or not sold anymore.

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