Hueblog: Matching colours for an existing Philips Hue scene

Matching colours for an existing Philips Hue scene

Adjust the light to perfection

When you select a scene from the Philips Hue Light Scene Gallery, there is a handy feature that allows you to remix the colours of the scene. But what if you want to adjust a scene afterwards?

The normal way is via the room view. There, everyone would probably first set a new colour for the illuminant. But there is a better way – and I honestly have no idea how long this function has been around.

This is how you can improve your scenes even more easily

First activate the desired scene and then tap on the small pencil symbol right next to the scene’s icon. The menu “Edit scene” opens and you select the desired light source at the bottom.

If it is a scene from the Hue Light Scene Gallery, you will not only find a colour circle for colours and white tones, but also a colour circle for colours that match the scene. It looks like this:

This way you can adjust individual lamps even more easily without the selected colour no longer matching the rest of the scene. You can then save the new settings directly and simply reactivate the optimised scene the next time.

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Check your local Philips Hue Online Store for availability of Hue products in your country. There you will also find all the technical information and prices.

In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich zu einem echten Experten in Sachen Hue & HomeKit entwickelt. Mittlerweile habe ich über 50 Lampen und zahlreiche Schalter im Einsatz. In meinem kleinen Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen gerne mit euch.

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